Fail Fast Rise Vast

The F Word

Failure is one of the most underrated concepts in the world. It is one of the most underrated powers in the world. It impacts every human on the planet all day long, every single day, both physically and mentally, both consciously and sub-consciously. Every second our body components are working together to not fail, and our minds are trying to prevent us from failing.

Despite its dominating power over all of us, most people don't like to think about it or talk about it. Crazy, right? We'll have some expert guests discuss the "why we do this" in more scientifically-backed context, but the basic explanation is that for many of us it's scary AF, unpleasant, discouraging, embarrassing, paralyzing, distracting, depressing, and (READER insert their own negative words here). This is not good. Ignoring such a significant power in our world is not the right approach, as it lets the negativity perspective of this power have free reign within our lives.

We need to think about and talk about failure every day, because it's going to be there dominating powerfully regardless if we talk about it or not. A concept we learn as adults is that if there's a white elephant in the room, it's usually a negative distraction until we simply address it. Once we address it, the power and distraction is lessened or eliminated immediately, and we can get back to the business at hand.

DO NOT WORRY. There is really great news about the power of failure. Failure is for our benefit. Failure makes us better. Failure is essential in our growth, and is the key ingredient to success. Strange, isn't it? If the key ingredient to chocolate chip cookies is chocolate chips, we wouldn't try to make chocolate chip cookies by intentionally avoiding buying and using this ingredient. But most of us try to achieve success in our lives by ignoring the mere concept of failure. We have a big goal for this community: to tear down the stigma around failure. If we can simply start calling attention to the biggest white elephant in corner of our lives, it will immediately start to lose its distraction and negative power over us. But that's just the first step, and the step isn't easy for most. We are here to help. Your journey to take over the reigns of this power is significant, and must be initiated immediately in order to increase success levels in your life. Are you ready? Me too! Join us and let's do it together.


What does Fail Fast mean?

One might think "I don't want to fail fast. I want to avoid failure altogether." That's of course what we strive for when we set out to tackle a day. But no matter how lofty our aspirations or talent, we are going to fail.

  • The best athletes in the world lose.
  • The smartest business minds make bad decisions.
  • The brightest scientists and doctors get it wrong.
  • The best parents act like bad parents at times.

Failing fast is a business concept that stems from Agile methodology of project execution. We will continually discuss this concept within each show, but in the meantime there are many great explanations for this business concept online that that you can easily find. For introductory purposes, let's think about failing fast in terms of the above-stated fact that all of us will fail. We don't always know when the failure will come. Sometimes it's obvious like falling off a bike. Other times we don't see it even while it's happening. So knowing 100% that you will fail, would you rather know quickly that you're in the act of failing or keep plugging away for an unknown period of time?

Failing fast successfully requires a mentality that supports ACCEPTANCE AND EXPECTANCE of failure as a part of a success journey. The goal is to remain open-minded and objective when looking for and evaluating failure, and treat the learnings as a very valuable data source we will use to succeed or fail less in the future. This show was created to help those who might be afraid of failure, or deny when it happens, not ever see it when it happens, get discouraged when it happens, or even quit and run away prematurely before it happens.

This next sentence is the most important concept, and is the foundation on which all our learning here together will take place. You cannot avoid failure in this life no matter what you do. If you live a life trying to avoid failure, you will have 100% failed in not pursuing your potential. It's your choice on which failure you will choose: the failure experienced by trying, or the failure experienced by not trying.


Rising Vast to our potential

Rising Vast is our goal for each and every listener in this community. When failure and the challenges of this difficult life knock us to the ground, what do we do? Do we stay there? Do we crawl away? Do we stand back up slowly and with caution? Or do we rise up, greater and stronger than before, equipped with the armor and strategy supplied to us by previous failures and attack our potential?

Personal potential is unique to all of us, similar to our fingerprints, with one small difference: it is variable. Our fingerprints don't change, and that's why they're used for identification purposes. But our potential does change constantly based on all the factors of our current reality. The potential for a star athlete to get a scholarship is different at age 17 than it is at age 25, simply because universities don't typically operate that way. This athlete still has amazing potential, but it will be different and need to be discovered. A single mother of three small children is going to have a modified potential in some areas than she did before she had children. A career being away from home while traveling the world is likely no longer an option for her, but her path in the universe will have unlocked new potentials if she's looking for them. So learning how to maximize potential has to do with realistic evaluation of potential ranges plus a realistic evaluation of past failures to drive improved strategies and enhanced performance levels.

Rising Vast after failure to reach potential levels is not easy. It takes constant learning, outside support, tenacity, perseverance, optimism, forgiveness, humbleness, willingness, and many more "ness" words. Even though it can sometimes feel lonely during this journey, in reality we are not alone. The world is full of people who have been through similar difficult situations than we are in currently, and who are willing to help us rise vast after failing. Let's find them together and see what they have to share with us.

Fail Fast Rise Vast Mission

To educate, entertain, and support each listener in their journey to learn from life’s failures and rise vastly to their potential.

Show Manifesto

To help meet our mission, we've defined a Show Manifesto to act as guiding principles for content and activity.

We also encourage our listener community to keep us accountable to the below guidelines.

We all fail every day and plan for it, thus allowing it to happen more quickly.

We embrace our failures and use them to Rise Vastly to our potential.

All of us will die knowing very little about the universe we occupy.

Respectful behavior and dialogue towards others are required by hosts and guests.

We strive to support the global community of Rise Vasters, not just Americans.

If we offend you, we promise to listen to your feedback if shared with us respectfully.

The show is for adults. We love kids, but the content will not be censored for them.

Changing an opinion is unlikely, but near impossible without empathy and respect.

We try to have an open mind to learn new perspectives and truths of our universe.

Rising Vast is serious business, but we’ll try to have fun on our unique life adventure.

About The Host Nick Kane

Who is this guy? I've never heard of him before.

It makes sense you've never heard of me before. If you think you have, you're probably mixing me up with Nic Cage (one of my favorite actors by the way). So who am I?

I'm not famous. I'm not a billionaire. I have zero experience in any form of broadcasting or entertainment. I don't have a secret recipe for success in life. To put it simply, I'm a normal man and an epic failure. I've failed hard in all areas of my life, and continue to fail each day. I failed yesterday. I'm likely failing in some way right now as you read this. So why in the hell am I hosting a podcast, and why should you spend any of your valuable time listening to it?

Unfortunately, I can't promise listening will be a good use of your time, but here are a couple reasons why it might be worth a shot...

1. This show is about you, not about me.
2. This show is not focused on a certain life topic.

Let me explain these a little more...

1. This show is about you, not about me.
Of course as host I'll be facilitating and making some final decisions. However, in order for this show to meet its purpose, we will need input from you.

  • What areas of your life are you experiencing levels of failure in, without a clear path to rise vast?
  • What topics interest you, or do you find yourself confused about or in conflict with others?
  • What have you read or seen recently that you think others in our community could learn from as you have?
  • How can this show and this community of Rise Vasters help you reach your highest levels of potential?

I don't know anything about you. Not your challenges, your politics, your religion, or any of your opinions and world views. But if the show ends up helping you in your unique life journey, which I'm sure can be plenty difficult at times, then the show is a success in my mind. So get involved to help us make the show the best it can be for you and others.

2. This show is not focused on a certain life topic.
Failures can and will come in every area of our lives. Our data-at-our-fingertips world provides us with near unlimited options to consider for receiving guidance in particular areas we have identified. However, it's very unlikely that the assistance we seek for finances, weight-training, motherhood, battling disease, dating, improving our sex lives, career climbing, or entrepreneurship are all from the same source. This wouldn't make sense, because most of us seek an expert to help us in their area of expertise. We also understand that being an expert in one area doesn't mean you're an expert in everything else, and sometimes has an inverse effect on the odds of being an expert in other things.

Here's where this show comes in, and I as your host. I'm going to do my best to be your advocate on areas important to you, where the topic of failure is relevant. We're then going to help find the best information and expert guests with different approaches, not ruling anything out that can help us. Lastly, we're going to try to outline ways to minimize the impact of our failures by learning how to fail faster and rise up vaster than ever before, equipped with ideas from those who have figured stuff out.

So that's it. This show isn't about my expertise, my agendas, or my opinions. I don't want to change your mind or get you to think like I do. I now and will always support your freedom to believe whatever you like as a human being, and learning about your opinions will help me learn more about you and the world in which I occupy.

Last thought, and the most important one. If I suck or the show sucks, I ask you to consider one of the following two approaches.

1. If you feel there's still hope for me and the show, share your ideas on how it could be improved for your journey. Visit the contact page, and send us a message or leave us a voicemail. I promise we will listen to and consider all feedback.

2. If the show just isn't your jam, and you feel like there's no hope of it becoming a value add for you, then please don't listen any longer. Your time is your most valuable resource, and I don't want you wasting it on anything that's not a positive value to your journey. There's plenty of valuable content out there, so go find a better fit and listen away!

So that's what this thing is all about. Thank you for taking time to learn about the show and for joining us on this ride. I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you soon!
